Nimmy and Sue tagged me to list my addictions and quirks. Quirks and Addictions are, I think, just habits gone out of control :)
Here are some of the addictions I am constantly battling against, and some of these have been accepted as quirks.
1.) Chili in food.
For other chili-addicts here is a recipe of my red hot favorite Dynamite Chutney:
Green chillies, quantity depending on your tolerance level; one fresh coconut; a large bunch of green coriander; garlic one pod; juice of two-three fresh limes; cumin powder; salt.
Grind to a tongue clicking, eyes watering paste and enjoy.
Note: Too much chili irritates the stomach lining. Use minimum chili.
2.) The Internet, and paraphernalia that makes it easy to use. It's a life support system.
3.)Any new interest or gadget becomes an obsession. A new piece of furniture. A new book on astrology. A new cell phone.
When a new washing machine came, all the curtains, kitchen napkins, dusters, woolens, cushion covers, dog towels, comforter covers were washed at various settings. Some clothes were deodorized, others were air washed, others taken straight to the wardrobe from the machine.
Everything and everybody looked squeaky clean for months :)
4.) An obsession to record everything on film. The camera stays in the bag where ever we go. An extreme example is I had to take Daughter for a class the day after the Ahmedabad blast and I was worried. Finally I checked the camera battery was fully charged, just in least the camera would have some record of what happened. Sounds morbid? Such are our times!
5.) Can't wake up fresh without a cup of tea.
I have to pass this tag to eight people, and I pass it to Aaarti , Kislay, Unmana, Mavin, Aneela, phoenixritu and Chirag and Vinod Sharma.
SMALL PRINT : Tags are not compulsory, feel free to ignore if you don't wish to do one. But tags are also a fun & easy way to know more about your blogging friends:)
Lol@ carrying the camera around! Actually, I've been contemplating doing that but haven't got around to doing it yet.
nice post>>>>>>.....
Hey hey..thatz a cool homely IHM over there :)I just loved the washing machine
Yup,tags are not any compulsion,but indeed makes the bonding more closely weaved :)
Loved it. laughed over the washing machine bit and yes, i am also particular about batteries - of phone (and thus phone camera)
@D The camera has become as important as a driving license now :)
@Sambit :)Thanks!
@Nimmy LOL, love all homemaker's paraphernalia, microwave, cute Irons, blenders, fancy knives and pet safe pest repellents :)
@Mampi Good morning :) My family thinks I ruin all batteries by constantly charging :)
IHM,I like your addictions to chillies and your obsession to record everything on film! What has surprised me is you interest in astrology. Interesting...can you read a horoscope properly?
I don't want to sound like a wet blanket about you tagging, but my blog is not about me.
Let me say a bit here itself, if you don't mind.
I have no addictions! Was addicted to smoking and non-veg food at one time. Have left both. I love chillies too and am interested in astrology and 'spirituality'. I am occasionally obsessed with getting to the bottom of things and can split hair, sometime irritatingly. Can be a 'perfect driver' as well as a perfectionist...not that I don't enjoy being careless and frivolous at times! I have a passion for cars and like all things beautiful.
@Vinod Sharma I realised yours is not a personal blog, that is why I added the small print :)
When I started blogging I used to wish someone would tag me, so I make sure I tag at least one person who has not been tagged before, and let them choose if they want to pick it :)
Chili is an addiction, not a choice :(
And about Astrology, just the houses and what the planets placed there indicate, can make a very basic chart.
You don't have to waste time casting charts. There is an excellent package available or download. Here is the link:
Me too Can't wake up fresh without a cup of tea and What's up with Dynamite Chutney!!! I got scared looking at the recipe paragraph.
@Chirag Try it, it can make any meal taste good for me :)
hmmm a chilli addict...u belong to my family and masi are gr8 addicts to my great dismay since i cant tolerate them much. :)
Loved that camera and washing machine bit ...tags are fun period!!
@Vinod Sharma Downloading it right away, Thanks :)
@Pinku I think most of us can't survive without chili in food, it isn't healthy but we are like this only :)
TAGS are fun but I have at least six more to do, feels like I will get a remark soon, saying "HW not done!"
ha ha ha ..i laughed for a good 2 mins on the washing machine thing.
I see 3 similarities :)chillies, camera and cup of tea.
Now that is interesting. I have a Jyotish Shastri and Jyotish Visharadh - spent a lot of time trying to figure out everybody's (pets included) planetary configuration. Its interesting
Oh BTW you have linked me wrongly. I got another blog to read
@Me All Cs are Common:)
@phoenixritu lol I also tried figuring out what makes everybody tick, and to see how true it all is.... I have KUNDLI, and some books,and some CDs I don't find useful but during the astrology phases, I collect all friends' and strangers, dobs and time and place of birth and then spend hours poring over their charts...
btw corrected the link to your blog :)
I should have added borderline OBCD about 'deadlines' self imposed or otherwise to it.
Just getting myself a cup of tea to sit and read it :)
Hey!! It was fun reading your list... specially the chilli bit.. the recipe seems rather lip-smacking. I did my addictions list tag too yesterday.
Lol!! I have 4 similarities! 1-2-3-4! I laughed like crazy with the washing machine thing! Yes I am freaky about new gadgets like cell phones and stuff but I guess I'd better not include washing machines...I am too lazy to move myself and wash clothes even if its throwing them in to the machine.. :) so.. i'd probably leave the curtains and stuff the way they are and think about them when there's a festival coming up... :P
IHM Pl. tell me in brief, how do i respond to Tag, I am sorry totally clueless.
@Yes it is heart burning-ly lip smacking, try it :)Coming over to take a look at your addictions :)
@Rohini not just the washing machine, also a new juicer, vaccum cleaner, tea maker, car, camera :)
Love house hold gadgets and kitchen stuff, cute looking pans and ladles, cushion covers and cleaning brushes ...
@Chirag You acknowledge that you have picked the tag and write a post where you answer questions - most tags are narcissistic me-me stuff, when you've done the tag, you let the tagger know, and you also Tag the number of people the tag requires you to.
You can also change the tag a little, if you choose to.
Done the tag and posted
Oooh, fun tag.. i know am gonna enjoy this one..
when reading about your washing, deodorising etc, i was reminded of MONICA from FRIENDS!! :D
Oh and am gonna try your chutney... its similar to the coconut chutney i make with more zinggggg n garlic...:D
Aaarti It is a coconut-garlic chutney, just with too much, tooooo much chili.
Look forward to reading your obsessions and quirks :)
oohh I luv that dynamite chutney, we have it with a dash of mint thrown in...
1, 2 check. crazy about I am so doing this, in addition to the pending tags...
chandni tagged me on this one so im gonna be doing it soon...
my tolerance level of chillies is low...ok, very low.. but i do like to push my limits time i feel like it, im making ur chutney!
LOL....loved the first one about dynamite chilli chutney. You mentioned use as much chillies as you can tolerate and then put a upsets the stomach lining so use minimum chillies :) reminded me of cigarette smoking is injurious to health. Still laughing!
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