Friday, February 27, 2009

Provocatively Dressed

To Moral Brigade(s) and their Supporters,

I think we need to realise that frivolous terms like Provocative Dressing might make sexual assaulters feel that the responsibility of preventing sexual assaults lies with the women.

Violent men are helpless victims of provocation?

Also, when we say women must not dress provocatively we must remember we are beginning to sound like Taliban. (Now we wouldn’t want that?)

We also need to keep in mind that we are talking about adult citizens here, they have the right to vote, they can get a driving license, and they can even own property or start an independent business! And often do and very successfully too. (I understand that can make anybody painfully jealous, it does seem wrong that they should do so well despite the major hurdles their gender faces ... but women these days are like that, give them a chance and they fly, reach the sky, and even the moon. Accept it.)

Your over enthusiasm and interest in her clothes might lead some to believe that you are looking at women more than you should be. (Most women consider such unwanted attentions very revolting; they might suspect your morals).

Your insistence in deciding the correct code of dressing here is against the law. (I am assuming most of you offenders and supporters have not been to school, so I am simplifying it for you.)

Instead we need to ensure that men are guided very firmly about the acceptable code of their own conduct. They need to get it very clear that tight jeans and noodle straps are poor excuses for criminal acts against other equal (even if they are better qualified, they are only equal) citizens.

We need to concentrate on providing a secure academic and emotional foundation to create a nation of women who do not hold themselves responsible for any and every atrocity committed against them. Your own mothers, daughters, sisters and wives also will benefit more from this (much more) than from being taught how to dress.

I know of thousands of women who have not benefited in anyway, when they were compelled to cover themselves from head to toe in traditional attire. Their families, specially their children have suffered because these mothers were often made too weak, by such controls, to stand up for them in all so many ways children need their mothers it seems wearing traditional clothing does not automatically make you a better mother, sister, daughter, citizens, wife, woman etc.

Strong mothers and strong women make a strong nation.

You think it is only about drinking in the Pub? The dinking in the Pub is just symbolic (Just like PCC is). You understand symbols? Like bangles for weakness? Like Duryodhan and Duhshsan for ... if only you had some education, it would have been simpler to explain. But let me try ...

When a nation overlooks an act of violence against it’s citizen only because they are women, they are not creating a very confident generation of women.

Let me try and speak your language again,

...these women are going to raise the future of this nation... Please let us stop treating them like they have no thinking capacity!

And this is a nation where women are anyway having difficulty even being born. We make it tougher for parents to have daughters, and for those daughters who are born to feel safe, let alone feel free.

Women (and men) need to be able to decide for themselves how they dress, what careers they choose, when and to whom, if at all, they marry or live with without marrying.

Because we have hungry families, and unemployed men, and no drinking water, and houses which flood every monsoon.

Tomorrow you might find even a girls face, eyes, lips or feet provocative? How are you guys going to survive?

I think we need a stricter code of conduct for men like you here.

A bit of gentlemanly behaviour and discipline will benefit you in your lives. Women are now everywhere. And we will see them as bosses, better drivers, being able to afford better recreation ... (I understand the surge of envy, but you really have to work harder, just being born a male is not really important any longer, at least in their circles...). Many of them come from families where success is more important than marriage and children are. (Yes I am aware that this is all too much to digest, it seems these women come from a different planet, well in a way they do.) Many are happily married with children, oh yes and their husbands are aware that they drink, and talk to men in their office and also outside but no, they don’t drag them by their hair for that ... (You ask, ‘Why not?’. Let’s just say, self confidence does that to men. And women too. You won’t understand ...)

The world has changed too much while you were worrying about which caste or religion or language or region was being victimised.

But it’s never too late. You just need to understand that they are your equal. No matter how much better they earn, what fancy cars they drive, how much more fun they seem to have, how much better they look ... they are only your equals.

As for their clothes, for all you know there is probably a future scientist behind that Rakhi-Sawant-dress-alike.

Get a life.


DewdropDream said...

First time commenter here. Very well said but I honestly doubt they will understand this. It's beyond their ken. But maybe their wives and daughters and sisters will get fed up of their behaviour and speak up ... and so bring about the change we so desire to see.

Saritha said...

Wonderfull post IHM.Can't help noticing ur followers have gone to 105.U r not seen on my blog dear

Indian Home Maker said...

@Dew drop Dream, There are some commenters who are forever writing in, in support of the molesters teaching the 'errant' girls a lesson!! I had to respond to them :)

Indian Home Maker said...

@Dew Drop Dream Welcome to this blog :) Do visit again!

Indian Home Maker said...

@Varunavi I have been very busy these past few days ...been constantly complaining about how little time I have... :(
Enjoyed reading about your recording your husband's snoring yesterday ... will come over just now :)

Piper .. said...

:):) *Piper takes a bow*

"Strong mothers and strong women make a strong nation. "
"I think we need a stricter code of conduct for men like you here."
"The world has changed too much while you were worrying about which caste or religion or language or region was being victimised."


Indian Home Maker said...

@Piper Thanks :)
Glad you understand.

aShyCarnalKid said...

KICK ASS . BRAVO . You ARE the Queen . This should get a media mention . How wonderfully have articulated . This has to be one of your best . And yes , "give me a good mother and I will give you a good citizen" .

Monika said...

"ese women are going to raise the future of this nation... Please let us stop treating them like they have no thinking capacity!"

well said IHM.... and i agree with shobha de's post though i hate the name seta sene what the heck.... whatever it is

and i have the same complaint as varunavi too :(

Anonymous said...

For whatevers been happening to women in our country, this letter is very much polite ! I dont think those buffooons would understand anything by being calm and composed.

There are serious issues in our country that needs attention and its sad that these people, inspite of having a community, waste their time and energy and degrade the rest of the coutrymen by such hideous acts.

Indyeah said...

IHM I agree with Kislay,this is your best yet best ever!It IS a kickass post.

(I understand the surge of envy, but you really have to work harder, just being born a male is not really important any longer, at least in their circles...).

''We need to concentrate on providing a secure academic and emotional foundation to create a nation of women who do not hold themselves responsible for any and every atrocity committed against them. ''Yes,yes and yes .This is the crux of the matter.This is what everything eventually boils down to.Thsi is why women are not just equal citizens on paper,but should be treated like one too.

If we want a nation that surges forward with hope,happiness and prosperity then women will have to be equal partners and nothing less.

''Strong mothers and strong women make a strong nation.''

You rock because you say it all so articulately.

Sandhya said...

Beautifully articulated as always.

Indian Home Maker said...

@Monika Yes and we can have all kinds of senas, "Jhansi ki Rani Sena' ... anything to show people are aware and disapprove of what is happening.

Also a reminder that women are voters too ...

Will come right now! I have been in a spin this week!! I need bettter time management skills!

Indian Home Maker said...

@Kislay Mothers do raise a nation. True.

These guys forget mothers have brains also, I actually had a comment wondering what's wrong with beating an 'errant' sister or daughter ... He did not know that? They end up growing without any self respect... ETC.

Thanks :)

Mystic Margarita said...

Very well said, IHM!!! The tragedy is that it's not just men who try to dictate women's choice of attire (among many other things), women are equally guilty of it as well. I can recall so many instances when a woman has had to sacrifice what she wants because en elderly woman in the family (mothers/mothers-in-law) don't want them to dress a certain way or have a certain lifestyle. People should realize that choice of clothes is a personal preference and respoect it. And isn't provocative a very relative term? what someone finds provocative might be boringly staid by someone else's standards!

Indian Home Maker said...

@Vimmuuu See mockery, and sarcasm maybe difficult for them to understand. (Though I have tried ..) so I thought maybe explaining simply will work.
You think this could be explained any more simply?

OG said...

great post IHM.... telling one..... and I agree with Kislay, this piece needs media attention.... :)
Keep it coming IHM....

Angel's Flight said...

Lovely post babe! I just received a comment on my blog..will post something on that soon...u'll see why

Anyway visit my blog sometime....would love to have u comment there.


Indian Home Maker said...

@Indyeah If we want a nation that surges forward with hope, happiness and prosperity then women will have to be equal partners and nothing less.
Absolutely Indyeah ... and just when they (at least some of them)are being acknowledged as equals... we have all this.

Indian Home Maker said...

@Sandhya Thank You :)

@Ordinary Guy Thank You :)

Indian Home Maker said...

@Mystic Margarita Yes, so sad and so true! Women whole heartedly accept this, and even try to enforce this life style - all starts with (or is symbolised by) the way women dress ... you will find the same thoughts echoing here .

Indian Home Maker said...

Biju Mathews
Execellent post as always!! Kudos! You see the depth of the problem.

"...I think we need to realise that frivolous terms like Provocative Dressing might make sexual assaulters feel that the responsibility of preventing sexual assaults lies with the women..." -- This is the most silly thing which can be conjured by MEN in general.

IHM - Actually Biju Mathews even some women think so, they blame themselves and other women also ..

Do everyone who go out and eat everything displayed in a 5 star hotel? Just because they are hungry do they eat spiders decorated with snake poison and topped with red, green and white salads?

Sexual desires without love is an empty experience. Period! I understand that a change is indeed highly significant in generating sexual desire and the regular supply of porn CD's and Sexual content feeds the imagination of Men and Women in general but raping them with their eyes and declaring that they get provocated just because their Wife's and love partners don't believe in wear something comfortable in the hot sun, unware of those sick eyes is too much to fathom. They are simple perverts in the normal sense and even their Sister's and Mothers are not safe with them!!

Sexual desire, like hunger and thirst are all emotions. And every emotion needs cognition (an information about the object or the desired person), evaluation (positive or negative), motivation (to do, eat etc), and finally feeling (feelings of pleasure, fun, stimulation etc). One cannot simply feel stimulated just because of some provocative dressing.

I believe we need to get the unmarried married, encourage the married to permit their wives "provocative dressing" at least for them in their bedrooms or just give them all a holiday package to Hawaii where they get sick of seeing flesh!

These are just my views. Keep Blogging!!

IHM - I think many men are very confused between respecting and loving, I have heard one man say he can either love or respect a woman... sad and confused, it's very common! ... will do a post on this.

Anonymous said...

Nicely written IHM! I love your tone in this post! That's how we should give it back...tell them how stupid they are!

Indian Home Maker said...

@Nita Majorly inspired by your post yesterday, although I saw some people disagree ... I do believe general attitudes and economic status are related, and then one thought led to another ... I am glad you like it.

Bones said...

Men can't help being sex hounds and molesters, it's biological for them...It's not biological for women to be interested in sex therefore therefore they should cover up...

If men want a dress and behaviour code for women, they should also have one...The no.1 code should be: No peeing in public...They should also stop wearing tight jeans (you should see some of the drivers in my complex - I wonder how they fit into such tight garments)- they are repulsive!!!

Indian Home Maker said...

@Bones The kind of men who think women must dress to avoid provoking men are the most unhappy and confused men. Such men can only like a woman if she disinterested. Makes for great relationships.

Sig said...

Uhhh who said it isn't biological for women to be interested in sex???!!! Sex is a biological need for both male AND female so really - wtf???

Loved this post IHM :D A great response...

Monika said...

Very well written IHM.
These men do not understand that women dress for themselves.

hitch writer said...

First up these people are not moral brigade(s) !!

we, everyone must not give that title to them... its not at all apt...

lemme read now and than comment !

hitch writer said...

Hard hitting but true.. IHM...

Equality must be drilled into men ... and women too...

women must think they are equal... and when that thinking is clearly passed on to sons.... it will help !!

This vigil has to be continued... and all sons must join in this fight for their mother's rights, the brothers for their sisters rights, the husband's for their wife's rights !!

Anonymous said...

Surely there is something you must find provocative IHM that say you may not like your daughter to wear while going out and she may find nothing wrong with'm not condoning the 'violent men who are helpess victims of provocation'.

Anonymous said...

"you are looking at women more than you should be."

Actually, thats a problem with me as well... Can't help it :)

Anonymous said...

IHM, You already know how I would react to this post. Kick arse as usual!

BTW PCC logo is back ;) also check their latest actions.

Vishesh said...

hmm...I don't think they will understand this,I would love to see a open debate between them and us...

Indian Home Maker said...

@Solilo Youmust take a look at these FAQs, you'll love this :)


@Rakesh LOL :))
But how did you like the post?

@Monika,Ansh Education is the problem, until these kind of people are educated, their problems will be difficult to solve, these anti-social elements, they can't get jobs either...
They know very well, Monika,Ansh women are not interested in them, that's why all this frustration.

@Silvara I am doing a post on this, I just watched Dev D and intend to write a review, .. have been very busy, but this should be talked about!
Nice to see you here :)

Jinu Peyeti said...

hey! thanks for the compliments and you must see the 'not-so-cool' headed reply i got to my comment on cape of good hope :D

loved your post.. I usually fizz out in the middle of long posts, but I dint on yours! :)

I was thinking if they will beat us up for drinking, we will beat them up for scratching their crotch in public. Imagine the mass beating up that will happen every single minute! hahahahaha :D

Vishesh said...

oh btw read this comment section( not just mine and the authors but the anons too :) )

Indian Home Maker said...

@Abhishek Haven't faced this problem yet, either because I do not take upon myself the right to choose what a matured, sensible, well brought up (even if I say so myself) or even a totally spoilt brat wears - or I don't believe that men on the streets decide what we women wear.

This post is about trying to explain to such men that CLOTHES A WOMAN WEARS DO NOT PROVOKE MEN TO ABUSE/MOLEST THEM.
A sick mind needs help.

have seen women in faded sarees, construction workers in old, faded clothes, little girls in frocks, teenagers in dupattas pinned 'modestly' etc being harassed by men who have not been taught how to behave themselves.

I have also seen that men get more provoked when they are in a group, then when a girl is 'provocatively dressed'.

The upbringing makes a difference to their getting provoked, unemployment increases(aggravates it), a tight slap and a kick in the right place cures all desire to get provoked.

Men do not get provoked if the mother who raised them was respected by their father.
Or if the family did not raise them like ghar-ka-chirag, while aborting baby girls, it helps to have a mother who did not tell their sisters to not provoke any good-for-nothing-sex-assaulters while neglecting to tell her growing son to remember that no matter how PROVOCATIVELY a girl appears to be dressed, they do not get any automatic right to assault them.

Read my post on the side bar, "SHE DOES NOT INVITE IT".

If after reading this post you still ask this question ...I will need to simplify it still further, Will try.

Anonymous said...

Absolute rubbish to say noodle straps and jeans are provocative and invite molestation. How about individuals taking some responsibility for their own actions not blaming everything on the way a woman is dressed??
Why is the robber who robs a rich man arrested?? Does any one justify that by 'the rich man deserved it because he flaunted his wealth!'?? If a kidnapping happens and ransom is asked, is the rich man blamed for being what he is or is assistance given to find the culprits and book them?? But when women are molested, they are blamed for provoking the men!! Besides, how is it that like you rightly ask, the demurely clad girls with dupattas pinned, shabbily dressed women, school children in uniform, tiny tots in frocks and even babies are molested??

Anonymous said...

Of course, about the post, definitely, there can be NO excuse for molestors, not provocative dressing, not anything.

InConvincible said...

I suppose this post is aimed at improving or transforming the minds of those who believe that provocative dressing is something wrong in our society. I feel most of the comments, including the post, simply rule out the possibility of existence of anything Provocative Dressing.

Let me make clear, i am immune to so called provocation to a very reasonable extent. I would neither comment, nor discuss on its existence. But for me, it exists, but in a relative form, and only in some magazines, and media, not in daily lives. The people might have access to this kind of stuff to pre-provocate them.

Overnight transformation is impossible, i think its not even necessary for us who are blogging here, for we all seem mature enough.

As a practical application, it all starts with commenting on dresses at perhaps school or college level. Let i explain how i handle this act by someone i know ( I dont live in an ideal world, face it !!)

I simply say " I don't care for her dress, its her own decision; she might be comfortable in her choice of attire. Who am I, or you, to interfere in someone's life ?"

For those whom i feel i can communicate, i feel that nobody can impose anything on anybody. Even i don't listen to anybody, why should others do, for making their decisions.

I feel such things happen because there are people of different maturity levels in our society, no one is born mature. But the foremost thing that should be taught and learned is that "You are responsible for your own life. Take your own decisions. Take suggestions, not impositions. And understand the same for others."

Indian Home Maker said...

@Rakesh I agree :)

@Shail I think people are just convinced, they do not even think, just repeat what has been said and fed all along.

@RK Absolutely, that was the aim, to try to explain to those have been conditioned to believe that sexual assaults only happen to women because of their choice of clothing or life style.

We really need to repeat it to all men, just like every other crime, here also nobody but we ourselves are responsible for our own actions.

Indian Home Maker said...

@Jinu P I read the reply :)

@Vishesh They are not of the same intellectual level. A debate is not possible, and more than anything, this issue is not debatable.
The very idea that someone could ask to debate whether hooligans and perverts can abuse, molest or assault with some, with any excuse is preposterous. They cannot even assault sex workers, so all the excuses about any woman's life style are quashed right there.

Aarti said...

Hats off to you dear lady!!

The post not only hits home the fact that clothes dont lead to trouble... but men should start taking notice of women around them and paying them some attn and giving them respect they deserve!!!


Bud-Wiser said...

You know IHM, from my personal experience, I have learn't that its rather difficult to make someone change his/her opinion, specially an Indian. Most of us don't even want to hear out the other side, and we have closed minds.

That is why, I somehow believe that we have to wait for generations to pass by before we become a society where everyone becomes a little more broad minded.

I personally have little or no hope that the moral police will ever realize what we wanna tell them.

Indian Home Maker said...

@Aaarti Thank You :)Yes because the day this country starts respecting it's other 50% population, a lot of our problems will be solved.

@Angel's Flight - Visited, loved and look forward to reading that comment answered!

@Hitwriter Yes, you are right, this has to begin at home.

And I agree Moral Brigade is a euphemism. Only used this term because I thought this would kind of convey the message, ... but no sexual assaults have anything to do with Moral Policing, such attacks are just criminal offenses.

Indian Home Maker said...

@Chikki You are right Chikki, but I just can't ignore some comments (never publish) which talk of how if women dressed 'properly' we won't have such crimes, and I think we need to seriously look at the statistics... to prove that molestations are directly related to the law and order situation, that this is just another crime.

I realise it is difficult to make people change their minds, but sometimes we just convey that their opinion is not acceptable and also we just can't give up trying ...
What do you think?

Bud-Wiser said...


I think, you should publish the other comments too unless they are offensive or abusive. Let them have a say. We will tackle their views.
Plus, I truly wanna know what points do they have!

Anonymous said...

Actually, according to traditional Hindu philosophy, (Manusmriti, and some of the Upanishads), female sexuality is thought to be more dangerous and uncontrollable than male sexuality. It is therefore, the husband/ father's duty to control the sexuality of his wife and daughter. The traditional Hindu view of women sees them as creatures who crave sexual satisfaction far more than men, and whose sexual drive is disruptive and difficult to control. That is why we often find that traditional men are the ones who are anxious about open displays of female sexual desire (interpret noodle straps and tight jeans to mean flagrant displays of female sexuality). This sexual anxiety is what Mutaliks and his ilk suffer from. They honestly believe that women, unless firmly under the control of a male, will indulge their sexual apetites freely, thus endangering, family, society and country.
How our Hindu ancestors came to this distorted understanding of female sexuality is truly beyond me -- after all, down the ages, men, not women, have raped, haraased, assaulted and lusted. And somehow, female sexuality is more dangerous? Gimme a frigging break.


Indian Home Maker said...

Preeti - Late reaction to this post IHM, but I cannot believe that a woman commenter is saying that women don't have sex drives. Seriously? Does the commenter know that the human female is capable of multiple orgasms? Or that the female orgasm, unlike the male orgasm, lasts longer? Why would Mother Nature give women such powerful orgasms if she wanted women to be asexual? I recommend that you read some books on anthropology and evolutionary biology. In many human cultures, women are allowed to be promiscuous, to sleep with multiple partners both before and after marriage, and to have different children with different fathers. Just because Indian women are sexually repressed does NOT mean that ALL women are biologically asexual. Read this blog post on how much variation there is in human sexual practises:



IHM - Preeti I agree, and I have also published a post about some bits of Manusmriti saying women must be controlled ... and interestingly many comments suggested all this crap is not followed anywhere, but the truth is we see it being followed without the text being quoted all the time.
Read that post here

About Indian women and and their non existent sex drive, hopefully my next post will talk about it.

Winnie the poohi said...

Hell yeah! I wish those morons could really u\s this.. but then if they did they wudnt need this said no?

Indian Home Maker said...

@Winnie the Poohi Right :)

@Unmana Thanks :)

Indian Home Maker said...

@Chikki Some I do put in between posts, some seem to be just trying to annoy.... and usccessfully also sometimes.

@Preeti Loved both your comments, I agree this feeling of keeping a female in control could be behind such an attitude, I mentioned a bit of this in the above mentioned manusmriti post.

Anonymous said...

As, Vishu said, I would love to see a live debate between Us and Them. There is nothing to say after reading the article, they are well stupid.

How do we know said...

ha ha ha ... i loved the last line.. get a life!

Unknown said...

Here is my feedback . .

It's true that anyone can be of any kinda way they want to be. Every individual has rights to dress whatever they like to, and however they want it to be. But. . .

India doesn't have that kinda exposure comapred with the other 'well developed' countries like the States or the Eeuropian countries, where there is absolute exposure and understanding among people, that anyone can be as casual as they wanna be.

But, in India, that is not the case. Will it be possible for an Indian woman to dress up in Bikini and have a casual walk-around at the beach (Of course, leave Goa out, where there is exposure.) or move around?

The basic reason behind this is poverty and lack of education among people. Almost half the population is poverty stricken and without proper education, and the political parties are using this to their advantage. The mob of these kinda people are brain washed by the parties about the ideals and policies that the party supports, and as a result, it gets driven in to the minds of these people.

In such a case, among such people, if we talk about liberation and independence, of course it will result in problems, as these people are not broad enough to accept the fact that woman are equivalent to men. For them and many more people living among the rules coming down for centuries, women are to be suppressed and opressed.

So, the initial step must be to transform the mentality of such people and to bring them out from their dark, gloomy environment and to make them realize the fact that there is nothing wrong in gender equality. Education must fully flow to even the darkest corner of the country, and it must be given to every citizen.

Without making people realize this factor, if we go on declaring and proclaiming about women freedom and gender equality, it will never be even considered. the political parties which brainwash people must be taught this first, and then the followers.

I wish the transformation comes as soon as possible. But in reality, I know there is a lot of distance to be travelled, a lot of minds to be conquered, to enable transformation. Until then, we will continue to read and hear news about women becoming victims.

But , having said that, even inspite of knowing the fact about most of the people's mentality and that it will take years to transform them, I think 'provocative dressing' is a factor which must be atleast considered a bit by women. It's true that anyone can dress in any sort of way, but it should'nt be a reason for violence. for an ex, I have noted and had given a hard stare to people who've commented or looking at the bums of my friends, who come out with me, wearing "tight jeans ". It is unavoidable for other people to stare at such dresses, and sometimes, it ends in commotion. And that's where the harassment happens.

I can remember very well. In Chennai, some years ago, a couple were wallking along in a street, and the girl was brutally raped by 12 people! The husband was beaten to the core. Incidents like this happen in every place around the country, eventhough I'm totally against it, my point is, till the change happens, there is nothing wrong in women not going for those 'provocative' dressing. Ultimately, they are going to be affected, and there is no use in repenting after the harassment has been done.

I'm in no way justifying the harassment, but I'm juz mentioning that in a country where people are brainwashed and are uneducated and lack the exposure, we must not give them another reason to act like animals. Until the transformation comes, nothing wrong in going for casual dresses, which don't make people stare.

So, this is my feedback.

Taurean Trampling said...

hope things get better soon. timely write when the women's day is around the corner.

but, as a woman i would like to say that though myself and my girlfriends have also gone through these harrasments and it has terribly hurt us still i must also mention that there have been very civilised men around because of who we have not completely hated the male gender. i know one rotten apple spoils the rest soon. but in this case i would like and pray that the concept contradicts back for good. i really hope that civilised men who are feminists and who are considerate about our emotions breed more and influence the others who are not up to the ethical mark. may men change and may some day the bharathiar kanavu truly come true.

by da way happy women's day to all. do wish ur girl and mom and the other dynamic endearing souls of my gender in your life :)

Preeti said...

bang on target ..subtly making people aware of the reality ....

I am happy to have a mom who never differentiated in me and my bro ...that meant I doing all the worldly things on my own and my bro helping her in kitchen .

I feel sad when I see girls not taking decisions , when they always seek permissions ...first its the father , then husband and later son if they dont have brain on their own ...they are always told what to wear ...I remember my cousins being told by aunts and all she is grown up , let her wear salwars -kameez ...WTF ...go and get a life guys are no fashion designers and we dont need your opinion ....

I have a life of freedom( yes . I had to fight with every one , even my parents )and i wish we cud unite and fight against this moral police bullshit ..